Today, January 05 Friday of 2024For the first time this month and year, we will continue participating in the fun and interesting Linux celebration on the Internet (RRSS/Telegram) of Desktop Fridays. In which, we show our GNU / Linux desktop and our level of Linux customization. That is, today we will celebrate a new «DeskFriday – 05Jan24».
And to start this year, in addition to our wallpaper alluding to Three Kings Day which is celebrated in many countries, we will apply a very simple customization using a wallpaper from our usual Respin MilagrOS. So, without further ado, and on behalf of our Blog Ubunlog, We Wish You a happy, prosperous, successful and blessed start to the new year 2024. In addition, I would like to thank you again in advance for being and continuing to be part of our faithful and frequent readers and of the great free and open Community that makes life around the entire Linuxverse.
But, before starting this first publication of January to celebrate the «DeskFriday – 05Jan24», we recommend that you then explore the previous related post with said celebration:
DeskFriday – 05Jan24: Top 10 Desks of the day
Our Desktop Friday Screenshot – 05Jan24
And, for this DeskFriday – 05Jan24 We will be using the following GNU/Linux Distro and pieces of software:
- Operating system: Respin MilagrOS 4.0 – MX Essence (Based on the MX-23 Distro and Debian-12).
- Desktop Environment: XFCE, highly customized.
- Wallpapers: Native of Respin. But, the featured image of the post was created with Microsoft Designer and Capcut.
- Themes: Sweet-Dark-V40 (Desktop) and BeautyFolders (Icons), Ubuntu regular/mono (Fonts) and Layan-White (Cursors).
- Port: XTerminal with the Neofetch app plus Lolcat and the BTop++ app.
- Desktop Layout: A Desktop without icons and a lower task panel with transparencies and widgets.
- Application launcher: ULauncher as main launcher and XFDashboard as auxiliary launcher.
Those who can, do it; Those who don't only know how to complain. Linus Torvalds
10 more Community Screenshots
And then these are the 10 striking new screenshots for this Friday, which we have compiled from linuxers from the Internet:
Software is like sex, it's better when it's free. Linus Torvalds
In short, we hope you have enjoyed, once again, the customizations shown today, in this «DeskFriday – 05Jan24». And we'll see you next Friday, 12Jan24, in a new publication of our online festival this year 2024, about the art of linux customization with all of you, our dear and faithful readers, and Linux users in general.
Lastly, remember to share this fun and interesting post with others, as well as visit the beginning of our «site" in Spanish. Or, in any other language (just by adding 2 letters to the end of our current URL, for example: ar, de, en, fr, ja, pt and ru, among many others) to find out more current content. Additionally, we invite you to join our Official Telegram channel to read and share more news, guides and tutorials from our website. And also, the next Alternative Telegram channel to learn more about the Linuxverse in general.