Install Kali Linux tools on Ubuntu 18.10 with Katoolin


Kali Linux is a popular Linux distribution for security professionals. It comes with dozens of network security tools, penetration tools, and ethical hacking tools.

Installing Kali Linux tools on Ubuntu is not easyas the software is not included in the main software sources.

Fortunately this can be fixed with the Katoolin script. Which allows the user to individually choose each set of tools to install.

It also separates them into categories. Following this route makes it easier for the user to identify what the tools are, etc.

Getting the script itself is pretty easy as it's on Github. So you must first install the Git package, as it is necessary to interact with Github.

To do this, just type the following command in a terminal which can be opened with the key combination "Ctrl + alt + T":

sudo apt-get install git

Once the git installation is done, you should know that you also have to have the Python package installed, this can be installed with:

sudo apt-get install python

Well, since we have everything in place. After installing the prerequisites, we can proceed to download the script, we do this by typing the following command in the terminal:

git clone

The above command will clone the katoolin repository into a folder called "katoolin", in your current directory.

Once this is done, we proceed to copy the Katoolin binary to / usr / bin / this we do with the following command:

sudo cp katoolin / /usr/bin/katoolin

Finally, we give execute permissions to the file with:

sudo chmod + x /usr/bin/katoolin

Install Kali Linux Tools using Katoolin

Already having everything, the above done. We can proceed to obtain the Kali Linux tools to be able to install them on our system.

So they must know that all the commands that follow must be run as root user or with sudo privileges.

To start Katoolin, run the following command:

sudo katoolin

This is what the katoolin command line interface looks like.

As you can see in the image above, Katoolin's main interface has four options. Of which they have to enter the number to open the respective submenu.

The recommended thing here is to go in order, so we start with the first.

Add Kali repositories and update

Selecting this option will allow you to add the Kali Linux repositories to your system. To do this, just type 1 to add the repositories.

A submenu will open. Again, type 1 to add the Kali-linux repositories

1) Add kali Linux repositories

Typing 1 will automatically add the Kali repositories to the system. Then, they must type 2 to update the repositories:

2) Update

To return to the previous menu, they must write "back" and press ENTER or to return to the main menu, they must type "gohome".


Already added the repositories to the system, now we can proceed to see the entire list of available categories, so to be able to do this, just type 2 in the main menu.

In this section you can basically install the tools by category and in this way simply install the categories of your interest.

In turn, when entering the category of your interest, It will give you a list of the tools it contains and so you can simply install the ones you want or by default simply type 0 and install all those tools in that category.

O on the other hand, they can perform a complete installation of all categories, so they just have to type (0) to install all the Linux Kali tools.

It will take a while depending on the internet speed. Also, make sure you have enough space available on your hard drive.

Install the ClassicMenu indicator

ClassicMenu Indicator is a notification area applet for the top panel of the Ubuntu desktop environment.

Provides an easy way to get a classic GNOME style application menu. 

To install it, type 3 and press ENTER to confirm and install it.

Install Kali menu

To install Kali Menu, type 4.

Once you're done with Katoolin, hit 'Ctrl + C' to exit it.

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      layjj said

    There are a few bugs found during the installation, I hope it helps.
    sudo apt-get install git
    sudo apt-get install python
    git clone
    sudo mkdir / usr / bin / katoolin
    sudo cp /katoolin/ / usr / bin / katoolin
    sudo chmod + x /usr/bin/katoolin/
    sudo -i
    sudo passwd root
    Enter the new UNIX password: 1234
    Retype the new UNIX password: 1234
    passwd: password updated successfully
    wget -q -O - | apt-key add
    sudo /usr/bin/katoolin/

      bunion said

    After downloading the tools, can they be run directly from the terminal just by typing them by name?

      jhsidh said

    It tells me command not found not available, you are not even good at putting the syntax as it should be, even worse that you are in the first places, you are disgusting, learn to make what you put work

      Mariano said

    When I run the file it throws me this error

    [W] Before updating your system, please remove all Kali-linux repositories to avoid any kind of problem.

    1) Add Kali repositories & Update
    2) View Categories
    3) Install classic menu indicator
    4) Install Kali menu

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 1294, in main
    start1 ()
    File «», line 41, in start1
    option0 = raw_input ("\ 033 [1; 36mkat> \ 033 [1; m")
    NameError: name 'raw_input' is not defined

    I already fixed that the opening and closing of parentheses was missing in the first error message ...

    but these two errors do not understand what could be, can someone help me?