Uyisebenzisa kanjani iThunar ngokungagqibekanga ku-Ubuntu

ikhowudi ubuntu

Inkqubo yokusebenza ye-Ubuntu ibandakanya umphathi wefayile yeNautilus ngokungagqibekanga. Nangona abanye abantu bakhetha ezinye iinkqubo xa belawula okusingqongileyoKuya kuba nzima ukubandakanya uninzi lwazo ukulungiselela zonke izinto ozithandayo, ngakumbi kuba uninzi luxhomekeke kwiintlobo ezithile zeedesika.

Ke ngoko, kwesi sikhokelo siza kuchaza Ukuseta isikhangeli seThunar njenge-app emiselweyo kwinkqubo yakho Ubuntu. Uya kuba neendlela ezininzi zokuba ukhethe eyona ilungele ukuthanda kwakho.

Nangona indlela ekucetyiswa ngayo ngabantu beCanonical yindlela yesandla, sikushiya ezimbini ngakumbi ukuze uthathe isigqibo ngeyona ilungele wena.

Ukwenza iThunar isebenze ngesandla

Ukucwangciswa okungagqibekanga kwenkqubo Ubuntu kubhalwe ngaphezulu ngomsebenzisi ngamnye, okufumaneka kulawulo ikhaya nganye. Siza kufikelela kwindlela ~ / .local / share / izicelo (kwaye khumbula ukuba ibhekisa kulawulo ikhaya hayi kwisikhombisi Usr) kunye Siza kwenza ifayile ebizwa ngokuba yi-thunar.desktop ngolwazi olulandelayo:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Open Folder
Exec=thunar %U

Ke hlela i-default default uluhlu lwefayile Ifumaneka kwi ~ / .local / share / izicelo kwaye faka le mizila elandelayo:


Ngale nto, iintlobo ze-MIME ziya kudityaniswa ne-thunar kwaye uya kuba nakho ukubona iziphumo ngokukhawuleza, ngaphandle kokuqalisa kwakhona ikhompyuter.

Ukwenza iThunar isebenze ngeskripthi

Ukuqhuba oku kulandelayo elishicilelwe, Khuphela ikhowudi esiyishiya apha ngezantsi kwifayile oyenzileyo kulawulo lwakho ikhaya. Kwisikhokelo sethu siya kuthi igama njenge okungagqibekanga.


## Originally written by aysiu from the Ubuntu Forums
## This is GPL'ed code
## So improve it and re-release it

## Define portion to make Thunar the default if that appears to be the appropriate action
## I went with --no-install-recommends because
## I didn't want to bring in a whole lot of junk,
## and Jaunty installs recommended packages by default.
echo -e "\nMaking sure Thunar is installed\n"
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install thunar --no-install-recommends

## Does it make sense to change to the directory?
## Or should all the individual commands just reference the full path?
echo -e "\nChanging to application launcher directory\n"
cd /usr/share/applications
echo -e "\nMaking backup directory\n"

## Does it make sense to create an entire backup directory?
## Should each file just be backed up in place?
sudo mkdir nonautilusplease
echo -e "\nModifying folder handler launcher\n"
sudo cp nautilus-folder-handler.desktop nonautilusplease/

## Here I'm using two separate sed commands
## Is there a way to string them together to have one
## sed command make two replacements in a single file?
sudo sed -i -n 's/nautilus --no-desktop/thunar/g' nautilus-folder-handler.desktop
sudo sed -i -n 's/TryExec=nautilus/TryExec=thunar/g' nautilus-folder-handler.desktop
echo -e "\nModifying browser launcher\n"
sudo cp nautilus-browser.desktop nonautilusplease/
sudo sed -i -n 's/nautilus --no-desktop --browser/thunar/g' nautilus-browser.desktop
sudo sed -i -n 's/TryExec=nautilus/TryExec=thunar/g' nautilus-browser.desktop
echo -e "\nModifying computer icon launcher\n"
sudo cp nautilus-computer.desktop nonautilusplease/
sudo sed -i -n 's/nautilus --no-desktop/thunar/g' nautilus-computer.desktop
sudo sed -i -n 's/TryExec=nautilus/TryExec=thunar/g' nautilus-computer.desktop
echo -e "\nModifying home icon launcher\n"
sudo cp nautilus-home.desktop nonautilusplease/
sudo sed -i -n 's/nautilus --no-desktop/thunar/g' nautilus-home.desktop
sudo sed -i -n 's/TryExec=nautilus/TryExec=thunar/g' nautilus-home.desktop
echo -e "\nModifying general Nautilus launcher\n"
sudo cp nautilus.desktop nonautilusplease/
sudo sed -i -n 's/Exec=nautilus/Exec=thunar/g' nautilus.desktop

## This last bit I'm not sure should be included
## See, the only thing that doesn't change to the
## new Thunar default is clicking the files on the desktop,
## because Nautilus is managing the desktop (so technically
## it's not launching a new process when you double-click
## an icon there).
## So this kills the desktop management of icons completely
## Making the desktop pretty useless... would it be better
## to keep Nautilus there instead of nothing? Or go so far
## as to have Xfce manage the desktop in Gnome?
echo -e "\nChanging base Nautilus launcher\n"
sudo dpkg-divert --divert /usr/bin/nautilus.old --rename /usr/bin/nautilus && sudo ln -s /usr/bin/thunar /usr/bin/nautilus
echo -e "\nRemoving Nautilus as desktop manager\n"
killall nautilus
echo -e "\nThunar is now the default file manager. To return Nautilus to the default, run this script again.\n"

echo -e "\nChanging to application launcher directory\n"
cd /usr/share/applications
echo -e "\nRestoring backup files\n"
sudo cp nonautilusplease/nautilus-folder-handler.desktop .
sudo cp nonautilusplease/nautilus-browser.desktop .
sudo cp nonautilusplease/nautilus-computer.desktop .
sudo cp nonautilusplease/nautilus-home.desktop .
sudo cp nonautilusplease/nautilus.desktop .
echo -e "\nRemoving backup folder\n"
sudo rm -r nonautilusplease
echo -e "\nRestoring Nautilus launcher\n"
sudo rm /usr/bin/nautilus && sudo dpkg-divert --rename --remove /usr/bin/nautilus
echo -e "\nMaking Nautilus manage the desktop again\n"
nautilus --no-default-window &

## The only change that isn't undone is the installation of Thunar
## Should Thunar be removed? Or just kept in?
## Don't want to load the script with too many questions?

## Make sure that we exit if any commands do not complete successfully.
## Thanks to nanotube for this little snippet of code from the early
## versions of UbuntuZilla
set -o errexit
trap 'echo "Previous command did not complete successfully. Exiting."' ERR

## This is the main code
## Is it necessary to put an elseif in here? Or is
## redundant, since the directory pretty much
## either exists or it doesn't?
## Is there a better way to keep track of whether
## the script has been run before?
if [[ -e /usr/share/applications/nonautilusplease ]]; then





Emva koko, uncamathisela le miyalelo ilandelayo kwisiphelo sakho kwaye uya kuba ugqibile:

chmod +x defaultthunar

Ukusebenza kweThunar yaBathandi be-GUI

Okokugqibela, kwabo bangajongi iingxaki ezininzi kwaye bayayithanda qwalasela inkqubo evela kwimo engqonge iifestile, zama ukuqhuba lo myalelo ulandelayo kwi-terminal console:


Okulandelayo, iwindow enjengale ingezantsi iya kuvela apho ungakhetha khona umphathi wakho:

Ukukhetha i-thunar emiselweyo

Shiya uluvo lwakho

Idilesi yakho ye email aziyi kupapashwa. ezidingekayo ziphawulwe *



  1. Uxanduva lwedatha: UMiguel Ángel Gatón
  2. Injongo yedatha: Ulawulo lwe-SPAM, ulawulo lwezimvo.
  3. Umthetho: Imvume yakho
  4. Unxibelelwano lwedatha: Idatha ayizukuhanjiswa kubantu besithathu ngaphandle koxanduva lomthetho.
  5. Ukugcinwa kweenkcukacha
  6. Amalungelo: Ngalo naliphi na ixesha unganciphisa, uphinde uphinde ucime ulwazi lwakho.