And, not counting the Kylin that we don't usually cover here because we doubt that we will have Chinese readers, the last brother of the Jellyfish family to make its launch official has been Lubuntu 22.04. It contrasts with when they have uploaded the ISO image, since, if I am not mistaken, they have been the first to do so, but they have not been in such a hurry to publish the notes of this arrival. In any case, and as they say, we are all here.
After six official "jam jellyfish" and an unofficial one, there are many things that should no longer surprise. To begin with, the kernel is Linux 5.15; to continue, Firefox is available as a snap; And finally, we are facing an LTS release, but the only one to be supported for 5 years is Ubuntu, so Lubuntu 22.04, like the rest of the official flavors, is supported for three, until April 2025.
Highlights of Lubuntu 22.04
- Linux 5.15.
- Supported for three years, until April 2025.
- Firefox as a snap, a forced move because Canonical has decided that way, who seems to have been convinced by Mozilla.
- LXQt 0.17.0.
- Qt 5.15.3
- Libre Office 7.3.2.
- VLC 3.0.16.
- Featherpad 1.0.1 as a text editor.
- Discover 5.24.4, KDE's software center to find and install programs and all kinds of software.
Lubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish, whose ISO image is available from around 17pm in Spain, is available from this link. Users who want to use it as soon as possible will need to upgrade from the ISO. Updates from the same operating system will be activated in the next few hours, but it could still take days to hit the button to do so. For Lubuntu 20.04 users, Lubuntu 22.04 will be available in July, as long as they choose to upgrade from the same operating system. This type of jumping does not activate until they release the first point update, and Lubuntu 22.04.1 will arrive a few days before August.
The Lubuntu 22.04 ISO is one of the first as it is the same since April 19.
By the way, it's a shame it didn't come out with LXQT 1.1 or at least 1.0, which is already a few months old.